The Latest from Giddy

So why isn't the procedure for men brought up more often in the fight for reproductive rights?
All right, guys, let's dive a bit deeper into the moment of truth.
Men with diphallia, a rare congenital condition, may need surgery but can live a normal life.
Thrush is not just for women, so reduce your chances for fungal growth around your penis.
For guys, taking the pill won't prevent pregnancy, but it may produce side effects.
Malignancies treated sooner rather than later can spare the patient a potential penectomy.
The link between men's cardiovascular health and sexual performance is difficult to overstate.
What's causing burning penile pain doesn't necessarily have a hard-and-fast answer.
While shrinkage does happen to the penis, it doesn't last forever.
With or without surgical repair, this penile birth defect can present challenges.