PMS is more than just a regular inconvenience for women who suffer serious symptoms every month.
Traditionally marketed to women, period products should use inclusive language. Here's why.
Author Amy J. Hammer, R.N., provides a detailed guide for reclaiming your menstrual cycle.
Experts discuss the pros and cons of organic tampons and why you might want to make the swap.
Due to potential bacterial growth, this feminine hygiene product does have a shelf life.

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Consistency and color may be trying to tell you something.
Despite lots of anecdotal evidence, experts disagree about what’s really happening.
Five universities will look at a growing number of reports on less-discussed side effects.
Why do period poops smell so bad? The causes vary among women.
Every menstrual cycle is different, but sudden changes might be a sign something's wrong.
Environmental consciousness can mean more than recycling cans.
Some women experience more than just physical pain at that time of the month.
When your estrogen levels go off a cliff, you can lose motivation, focus, confidence and drive.
Anemia can be a serious side effect of heavy periods, but treatment options are available.
With dietary supplements and workout adaptations, you don't have to suffer through your period.