Grooming and Hygiene

The Latest from Giddy

It's time to set the record straight about what crabs are and how you get them.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is chronic inflammation that appears near the genitals and elsewhere.
One is an issue of volume, the other of frequency. Both need to be treated—but differently.
Post-Finasteride syndrome can cause real, negative sex effects for men.
Adding the right foods to your diet can make anal sex more comfortable.
A UTI can be a painful barrier to fingers, penises and toys alike.
Treatments for receding hairlines and male pattern baldness could cause problems in the bedroom.
It may not seem like a big deal, but a bump on your penile shaft could cause big problems.
If you've got bumps on your butt that aren't pimples, check out a few possibilities.
Is our obsession with clean-shaven bodies good for sexual health or just a fashion statement?