The Latest from Giddy

Depression and anxiety can cause ED, and vice versa, so tackling mental obstacles is vital.
The first can cause the second, which can be a sign of the first. It's all about blood flow.
No cardiologist, urologist or primary care doc can read minds. They can only help if they know.
Prolonged exposure to an elevated blood glucose level can cause erectile dysfunction.
Mental struggles can impact your bedroom performance. Here's how to get out of your head.
After diabetes rendered standard ED fixes moot, I found a new sex life with an implant.
Well done or rare, too much red meat might make for fewer erections.
Testosterone deficiency is common in men with diabetes, and that can lead to sexual dysfunction.
The ancient practice's whole-body benefits could very well perk up certain pleasurable parts.
Here's what's going to happen to your genitals as you get older, and it's not a pretty picture.