Deliver Full Satisfaction Even If You Have a Micropenis

Despite the image popularized by porn that guys need to have a member that's more like a third leg to satisfy their partner, men with a penis of any size can still enjoy sizzling sex. And that absolutely goes for guys with a micropenis, too.
Classified as an erection that's 2.75 to 3.65 inches or less, depending on who you ask, a micropenis can cause psychological and sexual issues for men. Although rare—just 0.6 percent of the male population has one—a micropenis can leave guys hesitant to date or have sex.
But that doesn't have to be the case. With a few tricks and tips, you can be every bit as active and satisfying as anyone else. And your partner will commend your efforts.
Penetrative sex isn't everything
Deep vaginal penetration is not necessary to stimulate a female partner. The clitoris and the vaginal margin, the area just outside the vaginal opening between the vagina and anus, are considered among the most sensitive areas of a woman.
Not every kiss or touch with your partner is just a warmup for penetrative sex. In fact, most women don't orgasm through penetrative sex alone and require some clitoral stimulation. And for men who have sex with men, not every guy is into anal sex, either.
These facts open up a world of opportunities for a man with a micropenis. From oral stimulation to mutual masturbation, you can still find plenty of ways to help your partner orgasm. Don't put all your eggs in the penetration basket—instead, have fun with other aspects of sex.
Toy around with toys
Some men may feel emasculated when a partner brings a toy into the bedroom, and doubt—"Am I not doing the job?"—can creep into their head. As a result, men are far less likely to allow or even have a curiosity about toys in the bedroom.
But these guys are missing out on some boundary-expanding play that's fun for both partners. If you've never used a toy before, don't stress too much. The sheer volume and types can seem overwhelming, but starting simple or asking your partner if they have a preference can make the process easier. Once you've chosen your toy, experiment to your heart's content. While other men might just pound away or focus on their own needs, you're the holder of a pleasure wand that can send your partner into climactic orbit.
Indulge in butt stuff
Whether you've always wanted to venture into the back door or the idea of anal sex intrigues your partner, a micropenis is an often-overlooked blessing. While an average penis may require some time and effort for the penetrated partner to relax past the initial discomfort, a micropenis requires less buildup. Combine anal play with a sex toy or a vibrator, and you can hit all the erogenous zones at once.
Give your tongue and fingers a workout
A frequent misconception about sex is that it has to be penetrative, with oral sex and manual stimulation often relegated to quick foreplay. However, many people may prefer both of these options to penetrative sex for a variety of reasons.
For women, manual or oral stimulation of the clitoris allows them to reach orgasm far easier than penetration would. For men, the appeal of being lavished with attention can provide an erotic psychological sensation on top of the physical.
As a man with a micropenis, you're in the unique position to master oral sex and manual stimulation, where others may overlook them or find them a secondary requirement leading to penetrative sex. By shifting focus from your penis as the one sexual organ and bringing your mouth and hands to the party, your partner is bound to put you in the pantheon of great lovers.
Worth isn't just length and girth
Despite cultural depictions that put large penises on a pedestal, a massive member isn't always a formula for success. Attentiveness to your partner, putting their needs first and discovering what makes them reach climax are far more important. If you're feeling self-conscious about your micropenis, don't be. Focus on your strengths and get out of your head when you're in bed. You just might find that you open up a world of sexual opportunities and satisfied lovers.