The Latest from Giddy

Pick a heart-healthy habit to incorporate into your lifestyle today. Future you will thank you.
A new study suggests the meds have a lower risk than thought. But lower risk isn't no risk.
Arterial buildup can be managed and disease can be avoided, but severe levels can't be reversed.
Pose all the questions you have about erectile dysfunction's link to cardiovascular disease.
While the risk of cardiovascular problems increases as you age, lifestyle changes can help.
During your lifetime, emotional pain is inevitable—but it can become a physiological ailment.
More than 12.1 million Americans will have atrial fibrillation by 2030. Don't be one of them.
Dizziness, abnormal heart rate and loss of balance can happen—but what if it's POTS?
The disease, which gradually clogs arteries, can lead to erectile dysfunction and more.
Without proper care, an infection that begins in your mouth may lead to coronary heart disease.