Advocacy and Awareness

The Latest from Giddy

Socially marginalized women leave the hospital earlier after a cesarean birth, a study reports.
Prioritizing men's sexual gratification over yours can reflect internalized sexism and misogyny.
Creating healthcare sensitivity protocols improves the patient experience.
More than 40 percent of women in the U.S. lack access to menstrual hygiene tools and education.
Doctors are taking to social media to fill in for uneven and often inadequate sex ed classes.
People of color are at higher risk for PPD, but face a disparity in treatment, research shows.
While the treatment is generally the same, remote sessions have their own pros and cons.
As pregnancy-related mortality rates among women of color rise, access to better care is vital.
There are no mandatory standards for the care of expectant prisoners.
Before the internet, there was 'dial-a-porn,' erotic chat lines that generated big business.