In Case You Missed It

Regardless of what you may have heard, sexual activity is not involved.

Low-carb diets may have positive effects on PCOS, but they might not be the quick fix you want.

Men, steer clear of knockoffs and get the real deal: safe and effective prescription ED meds.

'My body, my choice' applies to your little ones as much as it applies to you.

The Latest from Giddy

There may be no symptoms but regular testing is crucial to avoid serious outcomes.
If your arthritic symptoms get worse at that time of the month, you're not alone.
In vitro fertilization is the most common form of ART, but several options are available.
Penis odor is individual, but if it smells off, you can take measures to fix it.
Jim Liu, M.D., cardiologist, talks medications and lifestyle changes.
While mental health issues can be treated, it’s estimated more the 40 percent don’t seek help.
PID may require a break from sexual activity but not a permanent ban.
A cancer diagnosis impacts a woman more than just physically; her emotional state may plunge.
You probably know the word but don't fully understand how it works and is administered.