In Case You Missed It

Your swollen and sore mammaries might just be caused by your period.

From stress to an overstuffed junk food stash, lifestyle factors may be killing your sex drive.

Backers of penile devices claim they can make you bigger, but are they even safe?

Phytoestrogens are both hailed and hated, but the reality is largely ambivalent.

The Latest from Giddy

Medical professionals encouraged U.S. officials to remove barriers to increased HIV testing.
Mostly harmless, queefing is an expected part of sex, but in some cases, it may be more serious.
Veteran urologist and author Martha Boone dishes on UTIs, kidney stones and much more.
Consuming too much of this nutrient could affect your bowels and potentially much more.
Feeling a lump in your vagina? Here's what to do next.
Do not let a rebellious gut kill your sexual satisfaction.
Adapting together is a challenging journey for anyone facing a sudden disability.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
Knowing what causes a fluid-filled sac around a testicle is key to diagnosis and treatment.
If you run into trouble when trying to deliver your baby, a vacuum extractor may help.