What Are the 5 Types of Female Orgasms (and How Do You Get There)?

The female orgasm hasn't always been given as much attention as the male orgasm. Historically treated as an afterthought, or regarded as an unsolvable mystery, the female orgasm actually plays a critical role in evolution, in relationships, and in health and wellness for individual women.
When a woman receives pleasure from her partner, she is encouraged to engage in sex. It also helps her form an emotional bond with her partner, which is essential to the preservation of the family, from an evolutionary perspective. That said, a woman's orgasm does far more than just help carry on the human race. Female orgasms have significant physical and mental health benefits for women, and frankly, they just plain feel good.
Different types of orgasms for women
Generally, five types of different female orgasms have been categorized: clitoral, G-spot, blended, anal and deep penetrative. Each has its own definition and way to get there, and each is discussed below.
Clitoral orgasms
The clitoris is a female sex organ that exists solely for the purpose of providing a woman with sexual pleasure. Contrary to popular belief, the clitoris isn't just a pea-size ball of nerves located above the urethra under a protective hood. That's just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, as 90 percent of the clitoris resides underneath the skin's surface.
How to get there: For many women, the easiest way to achieve a clitoral orgasm is by stimulating the outside of the vulva, either by manual manipulation or with a vibrator.
G-spot orgasms
The G-spot is often considered the "holy grail" of female erogenous zones, partly because it's difficult to find and partly because the orgasms it can produce are powerful. The G-spot is located two inches inside the top wall of the vaginal canal on most women, just behind the pubic bone. Keep in mind, however, anatomy can differ substantially from woman to woman.
How to get there: A G-spot orgasm can be stimulated by using curved fingers or a toy that puts pressure on the top wall of the vagina. To successfully use fingers, a good technique is to pull out your curved fingers while continuing to press on the upper vaginal wall, all the while using a "come hither" motion. Resist the temptation to go too deep, and be careful with curved fingers, to prevent any tearing of delicate vaginal mucosa.
Blended orgasms
A blended orgasm is simply when a G-spot orgasm and a clitoral orgasm occur at the same time. It combines two of the different types of female orgasms into one.
How to get there: Blended orgasms can be achieved by stimulating both the G-spot and the clitoris simultaneously. Start slow, with light stimulation, and gradually increase the pressure and speed in both areas as you feel comfortable and get closer to climax.
Anal orgasms
Although there aren't any erogenous zones directly accessible via anal intercourse, anal orgasms are possible because the nerves that make up other erogenous zones can also be stimulated with anal penetration alone.
How to get there: Anal sex can be painful, and it's not for every woman. Start slow and with small objects, such as a thin anal plug or a finger. Work your way up in size using plenty of lubrication until you've reached the length and girth of your partner or the object you want to use to stimulate orgasm. And avoid going from anal intercourse to vaginal intercourse, because doing so can lead to contamination and increase the potential for infection.
Please, never place any object inside the anus that is not designed for the purpose, especially anything that does not have a wide base. Objects of other sizes can and will get lost.
Deep penetrative orgasms
Women can also experience intense orgasms from deep penetrative sex when erogenous zones near and behind the cervix are stimulated by very deep activity. This type of orgasm can be reached alone or in combination with other types of female orgasms.
How to get there: A deep penetrative orgasm is usually achieved after lots of warm-up and when a woman is highly sexually aroused. Only attempt this type of orgasm if you’re in a profound state of arousal or you’re ready for an extended period of foreplay.