The Latest from Giddy

Everyone's reason to drink less is personal, but the steps to get there usually overlap.
You may 'drink and know things,' but if you want to do things, put the alcohol down.
No longer could I tame first-date anxiety by getting tipsy. I had to learn some do's and don'ts.
Considering their impact, your medications should be an important conversation with your doctor.
'These are not party drugs—these medications improve the everyday quality of my life.'
For the newly sober, sex can be weird and awkward but also bedframe-shaking.
There may be a good reason for why your internal clock doesn’t always work the way you want.
Poppers can kill. But for many, the party must go on.
Is moderate marijuana use a smart path to sobriety?
It might seem strange to use a cannabis compound for recovery, but there's more to it.