The Latest from Giddy

If you want to try to help a loved one suffering from addiction, you need to know the basics.
Just a little drink to help the medicine go down. What could go wrong?
Addiction is a medical and psychological issue, so why are many recovery programs faith-based?
Capable of a potency up to 100 times that of morphine, this opioid poses a real risk.
Overturning troubling patterns requires the development of positive, consistent ones.
The U.S. campaign against substance use has morphed over the past 50 years.
We are slowly adopting a sympathetic and, hopefully, more effective approach toward addiction.
What do our prescription trends tell us about our state of suffering?
As a cultural beverage, it’s universal—but there can be consequences to drinking too much.
As drug abuse numbers climb, keep an eye on certain red flags to curb the risk.