The Latest from Giddy

Understanding the virus and taking protective measures can help you and your sexual partners.
Burning below the belt can arise from a number of causes, whether it's a shave, a rash or more.
A new study reaffirms a strong link between this gynecological cancer and human papillomavirus.
Porn performers are leading the way in an open conversation about sexual health and safety.
Unlike chickenpox, people don't become immune to STDs after getting sick once.
Having a sexually transmitted infection is bad, but what other people think can make it worse.
The CDC finds an increasing number of transmissions. Safety measures can protect you.
Failing public health systems may be responsible for the lack of timely treatment that cures CS.
Convenient and noninvasive, a new diagnostic test for cervical cancer is on the horizon.
Though usually found in women, this worm can also hit men and cause harm to the urethra.