The Latest from Giddy

People are celebrating vulvas of all shapes, colors and sizes as labiaplasty cases skyrocket.
Chinese researchers may have developed a way to fix penile damage and restore erectile function.
Unnaturally tight foreskin can become impossible to retract. Learn the signs and risks.
From menses to menopause and sex to childbirth, there are many benefits to belly dance.
Even little known conditions can pack big punches, so keep an eye on your vulva.
You might know some of these threats to your sexual well-being. Others might surprise you.
Even the rarest or least known autoimmune skin conditions can be managed effectively.
This disease impacts the external female genitalia and can result in a variety of symptoms.
Low testosterone is linked to sleep, cognitive function, physical performance and other issues.
Protecting the health of this organ is crucial, but it might not be where you think it is.