The Latest from Giddy

As permanent male birth control, vasectomy is safer and less expensive than tubal ligation.
When the only sex you have is solo, how do you keep your sexual health in tip-top shape?
Circumcision may reduce STI risk in general, for men and their female partners.
A curved or bent penis can have ramifications on your sex life.
This inflammation of the prostate is easy to test for and simple to treat—if you don't wait.
Misinformation can be dangerous wherever you find it. Here's how to stay safe.
These noncancerous growths can be painful. Why do they affect some people more?
The Youth Sexpert Program is planning to transform teens into next-generation sex ed advocates.
Why do people decide to go for 'the snip' rather than other forms of birth control?
Sex therapist Vanessa and Xander Marin provide a guide to talking about sex with your partner.