Looking to break up the monotony of…well, everything? Try this beginner’s guide to kink.
Hormones and stress are obvious causes of low libido. Can changing the energy in your home help?
AASECT-certified sex therapist, Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.
If you're looking for a twist on oral sex, this lesser-known technique is an alternative.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Savannah Van Besien answers your most intimate questions.

The Latest from Giddy

Our do’s and don’ts will make your first anal experience memorable, for all the right reasons.
Being intimate is great, but you may not want the kids, roommates or parents to hear it all.
The biggest surprises were…well, just read on and you might be quite surprised, too.
Learn to stay safe and skeptical when it comes to promises of performance enhancement.
Consent and risk-awareness are sexy practices that bring greater pleasure to everyone.
Wondering if you have some kinks in you? Finding out can make for some fun exploration.
Speedy sex can be thrilling, but faster isn't always better.
Equivalent to the female G-spot, the P-spot can become an integral part of full-body orgasms.
Use some tried-and-true tips to get the most out of BDSM negotiations—and what follows.
Changing attitudes and laws are giving consumers new cannabis-related products to try.