Diabetes can cause sexual struggles for men and women. Thankfully, a little knowledge can help.
If you're seeking to kindle the flames of passion, arousal gels offer a canvas for exploration.
Getting familiar with your erotic blueprint type will lead to better sexual satisfaction.
It's complicated—and it may be as much of a challenge physically as it is psychologically.
Whether you change your sheets or not, you'll be shocked at what's left behind after sex.

The Latest from Giddy

Find out if you're at risk due to underlying conditions or unsafe practices.
An estimated 1 in 5 Americans have a sexually transmitted infection on any given day.
Consider the fun—and the possible complications—of having a brief sexual encounter.
Here's what your daybreak and nighttime boners reveal about your sexual health.
Labels and rules given to you early on can affect your perception of who you really are.
Keep your body hair if you want. Some people will find it incredibly attractive.
October is all about promoting open dialogue between adults and children about sexual health.
Vitamins like B12 are essential for your sexual health.
What's that picture of a blue vagina that looks like a waffle, and what is this so-called STI?
Lots of people, including professionals, don't have sexuality fully figured out, and that's OK.