Diabetes can cause sexual struggles for men and women. Thankfully, a little knowledge can help.
If you're seeking to kindle the flames of passion, arousal gels offer a canvas for exploration.
Getting familiar with your erotic blueprint type will lead to better sexual satisfaction.
It's complicated—and it may be as much of a challenge physically as it is psychologically.
Whether you change your sheets or not, you'll be shocked at what's left behind after sex.

The Latest from Giddy

Without quality zzz's, your libido may take a break.
They're full-body and powerful, no matter how far away they are from your genitals.
Words matter, often more than we even realize. Just ask Gwyneth Paltrow.
When it comes to STI prevention, education beats criminalization.
You'll have to consider your safety, if you can first get past the weird factor.
Why do beats and tunes get us in the mood?
You may 'drink and know things,' but if you want to do things, put the alcohol down.
Don't let stomach acid ruin your night. Take steps so you don't feel the burn.
MGen is an STD with symptoms similar to other known infections, so why don’t we talk about it?
Prostitutes, porn and Edward VII's sinful chair: A look at Victorian era sex.