The Latest from Giddy

Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome is a rare threat, but it should be taken seriously if you have PID.
How to protect your emotional well-being before divulging the details of your family plan.
If you struggle with infertility, here's what you should know before heading in for treatment.
The pill may be a miraculous drug, but it's not perfect. Here's what you need to know.
All those clichéd healthy-lifestyle recommendations matter more when you're trying to conceive.
An abnormal Pap smear can require further testing via a colposcopy. Here's how you can be ready.
Your perspective on fertility treatments might be different the second time around (and beyond).
Men have many ways to handle and/or resolve infertility—starting with talking about it.
It may feel awkward but it’s not painful. A Pap smear should top your list of essential tests.
Men can hurt after an abortion, too—sometimes with serious psychological ramifications.