The Latest from Giddy

Women facing the decision to abort often need emotional support—enter this specialist.
Robert Pitman has ruled SB8 unconstitutional, but the state is appealing the decision.
Sperm quality suffers when BMI is high. ART advancements may help, as can bariatric surgery.
OB-GYNs warn about the dangers and recommend clinics if you can't access your main provider.
Most IUDs will work past their expiration dates, but don’t wait too long.
BBT can help you be more in tune with your cycle but won't work as contraception for all women.
PEVR can be a cause for concern, but often the perception is the underlying issue.
SB4 takes effect Dec. 2 and is the latest addition to the state's strict abortion laws.
The process is challenging both physically and mentally—be prepared.
IVF isn't for everyone—be sure to weigh the pros and cons.