Legit Laziness: Lifestyle Adjustments for Epididymitis Relief

Among the problems that plague your man parts, epididymitis can cause tremendous pain in the testicles, epididymis and scrotum. What begins as a dull ache can quickly escalate into a sharp, severe pain lasting days or even weeks. Antibiotics are generally effective at clearing things up, but coping with the pain means practicing self-care and minimizing physical activity.
The epididymis is a long coiled tube at the upper back of each testicle that is responsible for carrying sperm from the testicles. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the primary causes of epididymitis. Inflammation can cause the epididymis and scrotal tissue to become red, tender and swollen. Treatment typically consists of antibiotics.
Of course, if your epididymis has become swollen and inflamed, chances are you won't be mountain climbing or running a marathon, but it can be easy to inadvertently do something that aggravates your condition. Fortunately, some simple practices can help keep the pain in check and aid the healing process.
Stay sedentary
Here's an excuse to take it easy for a while: Maintaining a sedentary mindset may go against your nature if you're accustomed to being active, but channeling your inner couch potato will help lessen the pain of epididymitis and aid your recovery. Think of it as your chance to do a little binge-watching. While you're lying there, drink plenty of water to flush out the bacteria causing you misery (and don't forget the ibuprofen).
Bed rest
Lying in bed is probably the best position for immobilizing an infected scrotum, which should be kept slightly elevated to reduce pain and swelling. If you're not quite sure how to do this comfortably, try placing a small, rolled-up towel under the scrotum and adjust your position as needed. The area will probably be sensitive to touch, but try applying an ice pack for about 20 minutes every hour or as often as the pain will allow. It's an excellent way to prevent tissue damage and keep the swelling down. If ice is just too uncomfortable for you, try soaking in a warm bath.
The right underwear
Keeping your package in place is important if you're suffering from epididymitis. If you're a boxer guy, think about switching to briefs until your testicles stop throbbing. Some guys may be more comfortable wearing an athletic supporter, which can minimize the pain they may experience while standing and walking.
Don't try to be Superman
It may be tempting to "power through" the pain and show how tough you are, but trying to be Superman will only exacerbate the pain and may do long-term damage. Use common sense: Aggravating epididymitis can cause lasting damage to your epididymis. Wait until the antibiotics have done their work and you're feeling better before you do any heavy lifting. You could cause urine to get trapped in the epididymis, leading to further irritation and pain.
This probably won't come as a surprise, but intercourse is a definite no-no for several very good reasons. In addition to the damage you could do to your reproductive organs, sex could transmit the infection to your partner. Give it two full weeks after finishing your prescription before resuming sexual activity, and make sure to complete your course of treatment to ensure your system is clear of the infection.
Don't be a risk-taker
Taking risks could leave you infertile or spread the infection, which will only make you sicker and may lead to serious systemic complications. You could wind up with an abscess, which will require surgery to drain off the accumulated pus. This is an easily avoidable situation; there's usually no reason for a hospital stay if you have epididymitis, though a high fever or persistently severe pain may call for hospitalization.
Treatment for epididymitis calls for a bit of patience (and a dose of common sense) while you suspend the more active parts of your daily routine. Your reproductive system needs time to heal, and your body needs a break while it fights off the infection. Putting aside a workout routine, taking a break from sex and simply lying still may be frustrating, but it's only a brief timeout. Healing your reproductive organs and protecting your fertility are well worth lying low for a couple of weeks.