Identity and Sexuality

The Latest from Giddy

'Whenever you want to' is always the right time for coming out.
Prostate orgasms can offer a new realm of pegging pleasure for the curious.
Excluding LGBTQIA+ concerns in medicine can leave trans people hurting.
ED affects millions of men, across sexualities, and treatment is available for any and all.
Learning about new ideas is great, but there’s a right and a wrong way to do so.
Coming out as bi is a big step. Find out how to do it with self-confidence and pride.
Times and people change. The gentlemanly thing to do is to keep up.
I’m navigating a gender transition in my relationship, and you can, too.
No, not everyone feels sexual attraction. Asexuality is as normal as any sexual orientation.
Hormone replacement therapy comes with obstacles. Take it from someone who’s been there.