The Latest from Giddy

Even young men can suffer from the psychological and physical reasons guys can't get it up.
Erectile dysfunction shots are often used as a second-line treatment, after ED drugs.
Erectile dysfunction isn't just about your penis—often it's a sign of other health problems.
Learn what you can do to maintain your erections so diabetes won't wreck your love life.
Several factors play a role in the frequency of visits to this specialist.
Diabetic men are more prone to erectile issues than men at large. Get answers that help.
They work for many men, but erectile dysfunction medications have potential complications.
Implants are not a solution of first resort, but may help if you've run out of other options.
Recreational use is one thing, but younger guys who need ED meds may have other issues.
Identifying the links between erectile dysfunction and sleep issues can help you with both.