The Latest from Giddy

White males have the highest rates of the disease, likely due to a combination of factors.
Patients can safely stop, and then resume, hormone therapy if they desire to get pregnant.
Time out! We need to dispel the myth that you can't get an STI from having oral sex.
Auditory impairment is a side effect that many cancer patients may not know about.
Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome aren't exclusive to women: Think irritable male syndrome.
Walking as little as 30 minutes a day can improve your erections.
There's no cure for this rare autoimmune disorder, but treatment can inhibit future flare-ups.
Tobacco products are linked to numerous issues, from ED to Peyronie's and infertility.
Painful inflammation of the penis head primarily affects diabetic men with blood sugar issues.
Unfortunately, endo symptoms don't always end with the menopausal transition for some people.