The Latest from Giddy

Relationships can be terrifying when you have social anxiety. Banish the fear and trust romance.
More traditional matchmaking hasn't vanished in the digital era, but it has evolved.
The signs of abuse follow a relatively predictable trajectory from courtship to control.
Women who persistently experience low sex drive could suffer from sexual dysfunction.
Understanding your and your partner's sexuality is a path to a deeper connection of intimacy.
Loving each other through recovery isn't easy, but hard work can make a relationship stronger.
Lack of restful sleep due to sleep apnea can pack a harder punch than you think.
Opening up about your desires and needs could lead to a relationship with hotter sex.
Enhancing your sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch can make for an exhilarating experience.
How do you keep your love life alive in an increasingly virtual world? Here are some ideas.