The Latest from Giddy

Female service members are more likely to have PTSD. They also have distinct symptoms.
The emergency contraception pill has been increasingly in demand since the Dobbs decision.
Guys who feel the need to prove themselves tend to engage in more risky behavior.
This phenomenon is common. There's even a name for it: erotic transference.
Itchy and inflamed skin due to eczema is uncomfortable, but it doesn't have to be debilitating.
Some drinkers swear these pills do the trick, but do they work? Are they safe?
Repeatedly finding similar partners can be a sign of an unhealed emotional wound.
Market research suggests companies and consumers still have a voracious appetite for self-care.
The emotional film is a dive into youth culture and the stigma surrounding the word 'no.'
If you want to know what a new partner likes in the bedroom, here's a suggestion: Ask.