The Latest from Giddy

The autoimmune skin disease can spread from your arms to the area between your legs.
Vertigo doesn't have to make your love life spin out.
Inflammation in the genital tract can cause testosterone deficiency and a low sperm count.
Understanding your genetic and behavioral risk factors can prevent a major cardiac event.
Inflammatory bowel disease not only changes your life but your libido, too.
The new drug, Mounjaro, lowers blood-sugar levels, a proven boon to overall and sexual health.
A new study suggests the meds have a lower risk than thought. But lower risk isn't no risk.
Sjögren's syndrome can lead to decreased moisture and impaired health in women.
It's rare—especially in the U.S.—but this once widespread disease may affect sperm parameters.
Boosting microRNA-210 could curb vascular damage, study suggests, and possibly any resulting ED.