The Latest from Giddy

The mechanics of diabetes-related damage are complicated, but controllable.
The first can cause the second, which can be a sign of the first. It's all about blood flow.
No cardiologist, urologist or primary care doc can read minds. They can only help if they know.
An intercourse-induced infarction is rare, but other factors affect post–heart attack intimacy.
Here is the need-to-know information about your heart health during and after menopause.
Heart disease is just as common among women as men and every bit as dangerous.
Dive into the facts about erectile dysfunction and blood pressure medication.
High blood pressure isn't the only reason to cut your sodium intake.
The verdict is in: Good cardiovascular health is essential for keeping your hard-ons hard.
The first step in treating erectile dysfunction is tending to your heart and vascular health.