The Latest from Giddy

More research is needed, but doctors say the data is real.
Patients will hear a lot of diagnostic lingo before and during treatment. Here's what it means.
Let's look at the evidence on whether your favorite pick-me-up puts you at risk for cancer.
Extreme cold has been used to help treat cancer for years. Can it help in other ways?
The average age at diagnosis is just 33, but the reasons are mostly theoretical at this point.
Treatment takes a toll on the body, but you can take steps to manage day-to-day difficulties.
Still an important tool, a biopsy isn't automatic anymore thanks to new techniques and thinking.
‘Paging Dr. Bot’ may be futuristic, but artificial intelligence offers promising developments.
Though advances in HIV treatment have raised survival rates, a higher cancer risk still exists.
Regular investigation can be an important part of preventative care.