The Latest from Giddy

There's no stopping your changing body, but you don't have to lose all the aspects you love.
Your breast health isn't just about cancer. Daily care can prevent other complications, as well.
Dense tissue can put women at a higher risk for breast cancer over the course of their lives.
Education and routine self-exams are the best practices for long-term health.
Regular mammograms dramatically improve the chances of surviving breast cancer. Just do it.
As women get older, they may want to reassess how often they get mammogram screenings.
More than 27,000 women under age 45 are expected to be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.
Are your breasts high or low density? Here's what you need to know.
A mastopexy can have real benefits, but there are risks involved. Know them.
Committing to a regular practice benefits many areas that affect your breasts.