Pubic hair grooming habits are constantly evolving. What pubic practice is best for you?
Douche properly using expert tips that will bring you comfort, cleanliness and confidence.
Here's what the science says about the benefits of pubic hair.
Trying to lighten your lady bits isn't a good idea—and could create problems.
Due to potential bacterial growth, this feminine hygiene product does have a shelf life.

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Douching, whether periodically or every day, is generally not recommended by experts.
These painful bumps are rarely serious, but in some cases, you should seek medical attention.
We got ripped: A cooler of beer, an overnight sitter and a home kit made for a memorable night.
A mild scent is normal, but if you notice any changes, it's time to see a doctor.
Candy G-strings are tasty ways to spice up sex, but they may cause infections.
Maintaining your vaginal microbiome is important for your whole body.
Pimples on your face and back are common, but they'll also pop up where you least expect them.
Genital residue is often associated with penises, but vaginal smegma is just as common.
While people claim the trend of putting ice in your vagina has benefits, experts disagree.
How you choose to style your pubes may impact more than aesthetics.