Reaching the brink of climax and pulling back—repeatedly—can improve endurance and release.
Reaching the brink of climax and pulling back—repeatedly—can improve endurance and release.
Reaching the brink of climax and pulling back—repeatedly—can improve endurance and release.
Delaying orgasm can help you reach the limit of sexual pleasure—and then shoot past it.
Delaying orgasm can help you reach the limit of sexual pleasure—and then shoot past it.
Delaying orgasm can help you reach the limit of sexual pleasure—and then shoot past it.
It's great to know what you like, but masturbation is a safe time to try new approaches.
Some men learn to last longer in bed by taking matters into their own (or a partner's) hands.
If you want your orgasms to be as intense as possible, here are some tips and tricks.
The start-stop method can help men overcome premature ejaculation.
Not lasting long enough can have emotional and relationship consequences. Get answers.
Forget the old 'think about baseball' trick and use these tried-and-true tips instead.
Working on your masturbation technique can spice up intimacy with your partner, too.
The ultimate tease allows couples or individuals to enjoy the 'almost there' sensation.
Solitary satisfaction can be perfectly gratifying without relying on commercial sources.
Think you know everything you need to know about premature ejaculation? Not so fast.
Far from being bad for your health, edging can help with ED and other sexual health issues.