6 Sex Positions That Double as Workouts

There may come a time when you want to have sex with your partner but are feeling a bit tired or lazy. In those situations, there's no shame in letting your partner take control while you lie back and enjoy the experience.
Conversely, engaging in more physically challenging sex positions can increase your fitness level while also creating unforgettable sexual experiences for both you and your partner. If you enjoy vigorous physical activity both inside and outside the bedroom, grab your partner and try these six sizzling sex positions that can double as intense workouts.
1. Missionary
This classic sex position can give both partners an intense workout, especially if you're feeling particularly enthusiastic and can maintain a steady rhythm. If you're on top, the missionary position requires you to hold yourself up the entire time, which helps strengthen and tone the muscles in your arms and shoulders. And don't worry if you prefer to be on the bottom during missionary, because you can still get a workout if you take an active role. Focus on using your core to lift your pelvis as opposed to using your lower back. While you're at it, make an effort to squeeze your buttocks with each thrust so you can strengthen your glutes.
2. Cowgirl
The cowgirl position has several variations, all of which can double as challenging workouts for both partners. If you're on top, the cowgirl allows you to flex your abs and pelvic muscles while you thrust. To make this position even more challenging, press your calves and quads into your partner's sides to tighten and tone those muscles. You can also get into a squatting position over your partner to engage your buttocks, legs and hips. If you're on the bottom, focus on engaging your buttocks and core muscles while your partner does the thrusting. When done right, this position will leave you with sore muscles the next day.
3. Wheelbarrow
During a sex session in the wheelbarrow position, one partner puts their hands on the floor and holds a plank position while the other partner holds the planking partner's legs up while standing or kneeling behind them. If you're the receiving partner, the plank position can help you put in some work on your ab muscles as well as your arms and shoulders. As for the giver, the wheelbarrow position works out the forearms, glutes and abs.
4. Doggy style
Doggy style is another classic sex position that can give both partners a hardcore workout. If you're the one on all fours, focus on engaging your core, arms, quads and glutes as you stabilize yourself. It's a workout. Don't worry, though, because both partners can work up a sweat with this position. The giver will exercise their core and quads with each thrust.
5. Lotus
The lotus sex position requires both partners to sit facing each other, with the receiver's legs wrapped around the giver's torso. Lotus engages the core and the glutes for both partners as they stabilize and thrust into each other. If either or neither of you is very flexible, you can straighten your legs or keep them loosely crossed. This modification will lead to more of a grinding motion rather than just thrusting, but both partners will receive a good core workout.
6. The golden arch
For this position, both partners need to sit on the bed or the floor and face each other. The giver will straighten their legs and place their palms on the ground slightly behind their body, just as one would when doing tricep dips. If you're the receiver, sit on top of your partner, straddle their torso and mimic their position by putting your palms on the ground behind you. When you start thrusting, you'll notice the slight burn in your shoulders and triceps as you work these muscles.
Nearly every sex position has different variations and can double as a workout, as long as you focus on engaging your core and other involved muscle groups. Ask your partner about favorite sex positions and then work together to come up with variations that fulfill each other's workout needs—and, of course, each other's sexual needs, as well.