Here’s what everyone should know about different types of female orgasms.
Aside from pleasure and fun, what else can orgasms do for your overall health and well-being?
Here's what science says about what your body goes through during the big moment.
Sexual fulfillment isn't limited to just having orgasms. It's time to let go and have fun.
Having sex during pregnancy is fine, and there are strategies that can diminish cramping pain.

The Latest from Giddy

Delaying orgasm can help you reach the limit of sexual pleasure—and then shoot past it.
Don't be selfish. Let your partner enjoy 'all of those deliciously tender nerve-endings.'
There's a gap for women, but keeping track may allow you to be more in touch with your pleasure.
Reevaluate your expectations of sex to make it less of a competition and more about intimacy.
Hopefully, you have some fuel left in the tank because we have more tricks for you to try.
Achieving orgasm isn't just about what happens between the sheets.
Treatment for dysorgasmia means painful climax does not have to be permanent.
I can’t tell if there’s something wrong with me, my vagina, or the sex I’m having.
If you want your orgasms to be as intense as possible, here are some tips and tricks.
To ensure a better sex life for everyone, society must evolve past patriarchal views.