Diabetes can cause sexual struggles for men and women. Thankfully, a little knowledge can help.
If you're seeking to kindle the flames of passion, arousal gels offer a canvas for exploration.
Getting familiar with your erotic blueprint type will lead to better sexual satisfaction.
It's complicated—and it may be as much of a challenge physically as it is psychologically.
Whether you change your sheets or not, you'll be shocked at what's left behind after sex.

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Ingredients include propylene glycol, citric acid, xanthan gum and more. What could go wrong?
This just in: People with disabilities can and do have wonderful sex.
Talking to your kid about this subject can be awkward, but it's essential for their safety.
Getting itchy 'downtown' may be a problem you can solve at home.
In an exclusive Q&A, sociologist Steven Epstein explores his book about society and sexuality.
Resources are scant, but the advice is plentiful, and greener choices are available.
Mononucleosis is a tale of infection heard 3 million times in the U.S. every year.
Orgasms, sensual touch and intimate connections play roles in a vibrant love life and longevity.
Antidepressants famously impact sex drive, but discontinuation comes with its own problems.
Forbidden Fruit owner Lynn Raridon reflects on 40 years in the adult store biz.