Diabetes can cause sexual struggles for men and women. Thankfully, a little knowledge can help.
If you're seeking to kindle the flames of passion, arousal gels offer a canvas for exploration.
Getting familiar with your erotic blueprint type will lead to better sexual satisfaction.
It's complicated—and it may be as much of a challenge physically as it is psychologically.
Whether you change your sheets or not, you'll be shocked at what's left behind after sex.

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Most are curable, but when left untreated, secondary complications can be life-threatening.
For the newly sober, sex can be weird and awkward but also bedframe-shaking.
Throat irritation after oral sex may be the first sign you have an STI/STD.
The good news is that serotonin from an orgasm can cure a migraine. But the bad news…
Female bodies are only as mysterious as you make them, even if you have one yourself.
Not all stigmatization is discrimination, but the connection is clear.
Prevent or safely handle an asymptomatic infection with a bit of health management.
Latex, lambskin or luminescent: What you wrap up with makes a difference.
It's rare but not impossible to have an adverse reaction to your partner's ejaculate.
Having sex can be a great stress reliever, but it may not be the best way to cope with problems.