The Latest from Giddy

Pap smear results can affect the next steps for your health and well-being. Know what they mean.
An oral contraceptive has side effects, but so does stopping it. Know what to expect.
Given the possible side effects, consult a doctor about your health before taking birth control.
From your first period to menopause—and everything in between—it's vital to know the basics.
IVF costs vary greatly, but it’s not out of reach for people serious about starting a family.
While this medical procedure has highly successful outcomes, there are issues to consider.
Thanks to embryo cryopreservation, you can safely put your future offspring on ice.
A varicocele may cause infertility, though the extent of a direct connection is still unclear.
Here are some post-snip tips every guy should know.
Facing fertility issues? Treatments and lifestyle changes can bring new life to your sperm.