The Latest from Giddy

Do vasectomies hurt? What is vasectomy recovery like? And can you reverse a vasectomy?
The order comes one year after the Dobbs decision revoked federal abortion protections.
The technology of sperm selection during IVF allows an 80 percent accuracy of gender choice.
As permanent male birth control, vasectomy is safer and less expensive than tubal ligation.
Research doesn't link marijuana use to reducing efficacy, but what about side effects?
Why do people decide to go for 'the snip' rather than other forms of birth control?
This long-lasting form of contraception involves a few simple steps.
Studies have suggested a link between straighteners and various reproductive health issues.
Here's an assortment of contraceptive myths TikTokers are pushing.
Author Jenni Quilter examines the complexities of feminism, IVF culture and science.