Success in the dating app world depends on the app. Use our tips to choose wisely and safely.
You may be burnt out if your love-hate relationship with dating is mostly hate and little love.
Too bad there's no such thing as a dating handbook. These tips can help.
Online dating can be difficult. Work smarter, not harder, with these 'get to know me' tips.
How in the world are you supposed to find a date when you're in another country?

The Latest from Giddy

Maybe it's not an unending search for love that keeps you hitting 'download.'
Unlike the movies, there is no script for approaching someone close to you to help you get a dat
Use caution: It's best to consider the risks before attempting to date a roommate.
Finding someone special is difficult enough, let alone trying to date when your ways are set.
Services use DNA profiles to match dream lovers, but does science back them up?
Scared of the apps? Don’t be—meeting people online is possible even if it's new to you.
If you date at all, you can use a dating app, especially with the range of options available.
You have no problem with giving, so what's stopping you from receiving?
Dating is hard, but knowing your attachment style can help prevent problems early on.