To help prevent cancer, prostate exams are necessary, especially for men in at-risk categories.
The oft-dreaded procedure might not be as bad as you think, and cancer isn't always the outcome.
A urologist explains the digital rectal exam and why men need one for cancer screening.
Cancer is bad enough. When it forces removal of the bladder and prostate, that's a lot to face.
Doctors recommend MRI to avoid many biopsies and check the accuracy of the necessary ones.

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Doctors recommend MRI to avoid many biopsies and check the accuracy of the necessary ones.
A DRE doesn't take long, shouldn't be painful and is decidedly beneficial. Don't avoid it.
Men who lose member length after a radical prostate cancer procedure can get some of it back.
So far, the topical gel has only been tested on rats, but human trials are planned.
Don't put it off any longer. It's time for a complete physical and other tests.
A rectal exam isn't the only component of prostate screening, or even the most valuable anymore.
While the trend is to limit these surgeries, they are sometimes necessary. Know what to expect.
BPH treatments, including UroLift, have side effects. Sex doesn't have to suffer, though.
New cancer screening methods give patients the tools to avoid more invasive procedures.
Still an important tool, a biopsy isn't automatic anymore thanks to new techniques and thinking.