The Latest from Giddy

We take a well-deserved deeper look at this weighted question. How much does the scale matter?
Does pineapple induce labor or cause miscarriage? Find out if you can give in to your cravings.
While living with HS is challenging, it should not hinder you from experiencing intimacy.
The effects of vino on women's bodies increase as they age. Can you offset bloating's effects?
The ties between poor sleep hygiene and mental health can initiate or worsen conditions.
It's possible to live with long-term UI and keep a healthy lifestyle, physically and sexually.
You may think it looks fun, sophisticated and sensual, but in fact, smoking is poisoning you.
Volatile organic compounds in personal care products can negatively affect fertility.
Trying to lighten your lady bits isn't a good idea—and could create problems.
Urinary incontinence can be a normal part of aging, but it's possible to learn to live with it.