The Latest from Giddy

Lubricants are usually safe for penile use. Find one that agrees with your skin—and use plenty.
Varicoceles usually don't require treatment unless they affect quality of life or fertility.
Clichés concerning penile length are based on dubious research, but the impact remains real.
Your seminal fluid, thanks to certain antibodies, doesn't always recognize friendly forces.
It's not just annoying. A long-term, persistent issue can have far-reaching effects.
The three big weapons attack more than just cancer. Know how they might impact your body.
Orchiectomy is still the gold standard, but some men can retain part of their affected testicle.
STIs and urinary issues cause most cases, so prevent the former and address the latter quickly.
Spermatic cord block is a minimally invasive procedure used diagnostically and therapeutically.
Treatable in its early stages, this skin infection causes scrotal problems if ignored.