The Latest from Giddy

Treatments and adjustments can help ensure the bend and intercourse remain compatible.
From the unfortunate to the totally preventable, here are a few problems you want to avoid.
Gamete concentration can be negatively affected by a number of lifestyle facets.
Yes, men get the procedure, but it's meant to be permanent, so partners should learn the facts.
If you're planning to get some bling for your bone, you ought to consider several factors.
An enlarged or inflamed gland can make urination problematic, though the symptoms differ.
Cold preservation is not used only by cancer patients and won't degrade samples. Get the facts.
A testicular rupture is a serious problem that requires immediate attention.
When your member is buried, it's still there but no longer visible on the outside.
An infected Skene's gland may be the cause of your bladder discomfort.