There are ways to adapt and thrive in a relationship impacted by Alzheimer’s disease.
Sexual health can suffer from BED, too, so getting help is vital. Be aware of the risks.
BED is unlikely to resolve on its own. Recognize the symptoms and learn how to get help.
Don't let the pressure to be the perfect new mom stop you from asking for help.
Sexual dysfunction can feel debilitating, but there is always a path to liberation.

The Latest from Giddy

Eating disorders affect hormonal health, but do hormones increase your risk of developing one?
Weight stigma can interfere with eating disorder diagnoses, letting a serious issue run rampant.
The physiological and psychological effects can have major effects on intimacy.
A horrible boss can quickly turn into a horrible nightmare, even causing PTSD symptoms.
Being anorexic, bulimic or having binge eating disorder could cause penis problems.
Dissociative identity disorder allows me to deal with my trauma, without being alone.
Complaining that your job drives you crazy might not be hyperbole— it could be a warning sign.
Changes to the central nervous system’s pain response can cause anxiety and depression.
Try this step-by-step process to identify what's really going on.
Bipolar disorder led me on a journey from numbing drugs to healing, creativity and self-love.