PMS is more than just a regular inconvenience for women who suffer serious symptoms every month.
Traditionally marketed to women, period products should use inclusive language. Here's why.
Author Amy J. Hammer, R.N., provides a detailed guide for reclaiming your menstrual cycle.
Experts discuss the pros and cons of organic tampons and why you might want to make the swap.
Due to potential bacterial growth, this feminine hygiene product does have a shelf life.

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Here's what you can expect with your periods from puberty to menopause.
Hormonal fluctuations during menstruation may cause scalp issues and hair loss.
More than 40 percent of women in the U.S. lack access to menstrual hygiene tools and education.
This fatty acid may provide some relief for mental and physical symptoms of PMS.
Empty shelves cause some people to panic, but don't fret. You have options.
Gender-inclusive brands can help reduce dysphoria for some trans and nonbinary people.
From rags to pads, and Tassettes to tampons: How the U.S. has dealt with that time of the month.
PMS symptoms, vaginal discharge and cervical placement can all help you predict menstruation.
People shouldn't have to feel shame around menstruation at work, school or anywhere else.
Feeling a certain way during that time of the month? You might be able to blame your cerebrum.