Identity and Sexuality

The Latest from Giddy

What if sex ed wasn't all about prevention and shame?
In 1948, Alfred Kinsey changed everyone's perspective of sexology. Is his work still relevant?
Your genetic makeup is a window to your future health. It's also your most precious asset.
Hollywood is moving away from stereotypical trans roles. That's a good thing.
The desire for a family is more complicated for queer couples than for others.
Learning the meaning of comphet might lead you to asking yourself some tough questions.
Equality in treatment is vital for queer people who experience anorexia, bulimia and more.
Cartoons with LGBT characters complicate the media giant's decades-long role in culture wars.
Healthcare can affirm the experiences of nonbinary menstruators by degendering the cycle.
These benevolent partners simply live to serve their grateful bottoms.