The Latest from Giddy

Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED) is more than just 'getting angry.'
Want to buy a sex toy for your penis? Avoid these rookie mistakes.
Stereotypes be damned: My pride is not for your pleasure, and I'm going to let my flag fly.
The reality of having two beaus is both easier and harder than common conception.
Some millennials and Gen Z women are practicing celibacy and saying 'No!' to sex casually.
A guide to brushing your ego off and setting the stage for a successful next time.
What comes after you decline sex matters to your partner and your relationship.
The anxiety is pervasive, yet size is far less important than he probably thinks it is.
Don't be selfish. Let your partner enjoy 'all of those deliciously tender nerve-endings.'
The trendiest bedding item of the moment can be therapeutic for some.