The Latest from Giddy

The nation's doctor likened the impact of social seclusion to 'smoking 15 cigarettes a day.'
Undergrad sex weeks invite convos about consent, kink and partnerships.
Working out after having a baby is beneficial, but how can you find the time and energy?
It's a good time to find out how to prevent the parasites known as 'crabs,' too.
This little-known region can affect many systems—including erectile function—in unexpected ways.
Author Cate Campbell discusses modern challenges facing therapists.
This neurological problem can affect your love life, your mental health and your finances, too.
Not getting enough sleep can have negative effects on overall health—and your sex life, too.
It is not a sexually transmitted condition, but heat triggers it and intimacy may be difficult.
Your favorite flattering pair of jeans could contribute to a slew of health conditions.