Can CBD Step Up Your Sex Life?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is usually touted for its pain- and stress-relieving properties, offering a (mostly) safe and natural solution for people with conditions such as anxiety and arthritis.
While that all sounds like a good enough reason to consider its use, research suggests CBD may have some sexier benefits, too.
The ABCs of CBD
Before we dive into whether and how cannabidiol can affect your sex life, here's a quick primer on what CBD is and how it works in the body.
Like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the most abundant compound in marijuana, cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid, which is a chemical compound derived from the cannabis plant. While THC and CBD are similar, they're simultaneously worlds apart. Think of them this way: THC was the skater boy and CBD was more into ballet, but both went to the same high school.
The most important and well-known distinction, for most people, is that cannabidiol does not get you "high."
How CBD works
All animals, humans included, have an endocannabinoid system (ECS), a vast and intricate network of cannabinoid receptors, endogenous cannabinoids, and enzymes that span the brain and body.
The ECS is responsible for various processes and systems, including sleep, mood, memory, appetite, reproduction, immune response and pain sensation. Cannabinoids, including CBD, supplement endogenous cannabinoids and help the ECS work more effectively.
The most important and well-known distinction is that CBD does not get you 'high.'
Despite what we know, more research is needed to better understand how CBD and its fellow cannabinoids operate within the body and what they can and cannot do. But, research to date shows cannabidiol can support overall health and may help treat specific ailments, including epilepsy, chronic pain, stress and anxiety.
Getting physical
If you've ever smoked weed, you know, depending on the strain, you're likely to feel physical and mental effects. The same is true with CBD.
According to an article published in BioMed Research International, practitioners of the alternative medicine system Ayurveda have used cannabis sativa—an annual herbaceous flowering plant indigenous to Eastern Asia—for many years to improve sexual health, but more research is needed to understand precisely how it works.
According to a study from the National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems in Italy, published in Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, the ECS contains receptors in the brain and sexual reproductive organs, including the testicles.
We do know CBD can relax the blood vessels and promote blood flow, which may enhance sensation and orgasms by pumping more blood to erogenous zones. It may also help with erectile dysfunction, though more research is needed to say for sure.
Cannabidiol use may reduce inflammation and pain, which can be helpful for people for whom pain is standing in the way of pleasure. Many companies are already producing CBD-infused lubricants, which may deliver twofold relief from discomfort and dryness.
In the mood
There isn't conclusive evidence as to whether cannabidiol affects libido or to what extent. As with most of CBD's potential benefits, reports vary from one person to another.
A study published in 2011 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found chronic use of marijuana can decrease a man's sex drive. But another study published in the American Center of Reproductive Medicine in 2015 found occasional CBD use can boost libido.
And yet another study, published in 2017 in Psychopharmacology, found cannabis use may increase sex drive, most likely because of cannabis' influence on the part of the brain that controls sexual arousal.
All these inconclusive studies indicate that nobody is in the mood all the time (which we already knew). But if you're never, or rarely, feeling it and want to, CBD might help.
Reducing performance anxiety and negative self-image
Sex is a physical and psychological experience, and for millions of us, our brains can be our biggest cockblocks, so to speak.
Performance anxiety is a common challenge, as is body consciousness and lack of confidence. Stress, generalized anxiety and depression can put a wet blanket on your burning desire, too.
Fortunately, multiple studies, including one published in a 2015 edition of Neurotherapeutics, show acute dosage of cannabidiol can assuage anxiety and stress, and promote emotional well-being.
CBD may suppress nerves and inhibitive thoughts in the bedroom, helping you chill out and enjoy the moment.
It's important to note that while CBD has been shown to reduce anxiety, large doses of THC can exacerbate anxiety and cause paranoia in some users.
Avoid side effects
We still have a lot to learn about CBD and cannabis as it pertains to sexual health. However, the story so far suggests it may offer at least some benefit in the bedroom and beyond, depending on your personal reaction to its effects.
There is some risk of side effects if you decide to take cannabidiol, most commonly including nausea, loss of appetite and fatigue, although these are usually mild.
The best way to avoid unpleasantness is to buy from a reputable retailer, and not from the gas station down the street that also sells days-old mystery-meat frankfurters. In addition, before you decide to try CBD, make sure you read the ingredients carefully and check the suggested dosage.
A more considerable risk, particularly if you're applying a topical solution to the genitals, may be an allergic reaction to fragrances or oils in the product. Ensure there's nothing in the lubricant, balm or salve you're taking that could make things awkward.
As always, if you're considering trying a new medication or adding CBD to your routine, check in with your doctor first.