Best Sex Positions for Your Penis

Does the position you have sex in really affect how good the sex is? In 2014, Women’s Health magazine asked 800 Men’s Health male readers what their favorite sex positions were, and it turns out that yes, sex positions matter!
What makes certain positions better?
For some men, their favorite position usually reflects a tighter sensation around the penis or deeper penetration. Some men say the view of their partner’s butt or breasts is a contending factor. Others enjoy the ability to be rough or to indulge the primal, dominant feeling they get from a specific stance. And then there are those that love it most when their partner is in control and takes charge.
Of course, sometimes, men simply prefer positions that enable them to last longer during their sexual performance. These positions are also great for establishing intimacy and connection between you and your sexual partner.
Dear reader, please note that while I’m listing these sexual intercourse positions as those favored by men, they are also great for women using a strap-on, or even a dildo.
11 positions favored by men
It seems there is no one answer to why men prefer certain sexual positions. It could be the sexual pleasure factor, build-up arousal, or all the after-math factors like released tension or stress. But here are some clear favorites.
- Doggy style. It was the most popular choice from every source I researched. In this position, your partner kneels in front of you on all fours, and you penetrate them from behind.
- Partner on top (called the cowgirl, with female partners). A close runner-up, a partner on top is favored by men for the view, and the power and control it gives to their partner. Lie down on your back or sit upright, and have your partner lower themselves onto you, facing forward. They control the show, while you enjoy easy access to their face, torso and genitals.
- Modified missionary. Your partner lies on their back while you lower yourself down onto them, facedown. Have them bend their knees up toward their chest, increasing the depth you can penetrate.
- Reversed partner on top (called the reverse cowgirl, with female partners). Same concept as the standard partner on top, but in this variation, your partner faces away from you, giving you a great view of their butt.
- Butterfly. Your partner lies on their back with their butt hanging off the edge of the bed (or counter). Their legs lift to a 90-degree vertical line, pressing against your chest as you stand at the edge of the bed facing them. You’ll likely need to lift their butt up a bit to penetrate, depending on your height and the height of your chosen surface.
- X marks the spot. Just like the butterfly, but have your partner cross their legs against your chest, making everything tighter and increasing friction.
- Spooning. This one may surprise you, but a lot of guys love it. It doesn’t necessarily provide a deeper thrust, but it does provide toe-to-toe closeness. It’s a great position for early morning when you’re still snuggling in bed. Lie on your side, with your partner on their side in front of you, their back to you. You penetrate your partner from behind.
- Lap dance. Not surprisingly, this is an incredibly sexy position for a lot of guys. Sit on a chair and have your partner lower themselves down onto your lap with their knees secured on either side of you. They ride you on the chair, while you lean back and enjoy the show.
- Valedictorian. Similar to the modified missionary position, your partner lies on their back with legs spread wide in the air in a V-shape, their ankles located up by your shoulders. This allows for deeper penetration, and the spread legs create a super-hot view for you both.
- Flatiron. Your partner lies facedown, prone, as you lower yourself down onto them, straddling them. Your partner can lift their hips up toward you to allow you even deeper, tighter penetration from behind.
- Oral Sex. If you and your partner don’t want to have vaginal or anal sex, then another option is oral sex. The classic and most sexual position for this is the reliable 69 (sixty-nine). There is no waiting period here for either person-- both the man and woman are getting each other off simultaneously. It's multitasking at its finest.
Other Benefits To These Sex Positions
Not only do these sex positions spice things up in the bedroom and keep the intimacy alive, but it may get rid of stress and improve your overall mental health. Sex positions for depression and that help with stress? Yes, please! There are so many great benefits to having sex and achieving orgasm for women and men. It’s no secret that social climate and other external factors can reduce and affect your libido.
It’s suggested that sexual activity and achieving orgasm may help you sleep better, and release oxytocin (the love hormone) and endorphins (those “feel good” chemicals), which allows you to feel more relaxed. Let’s face it, have you ever felt stressed after an orgasm?
While these positions increase physical sensation for the penetrative lover, they can be exciting and rewarding for both partners. Being adventurous and exploring something different or new is definitely sexy—so try it tonight.